Mary Anna Baird’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations

St Patrick’s Church Arrowtown, 2015 It was a joy to celebrate Mary Anna’s second celebration of her Golden Jubilee on Sunday December 6th in Arrowtown, her local parish. The first celebration had been the previous week in Dunedin – and that was also a very happy occasion for Sisters from North Otago, Dunedin and Southland and for Mary Anna’s family.On arriving at the church for the Jubilee Eucharist not only were we greeted by rose bushes richly blooming On arriving at the church for the Jubilee Eucharist not only were we greeted by rose bushes richly blooming in the streets, but numbers of parishioners and ecumenical friends greeted and welcomed us. At 11am, the Eucharist began with a welcome from parishioner and friend Colin Bellett, followed by a rousing opening Hymn and a warm welcome from Fr Jaime, the Filipino parish priest. Then, the beautiful readings of the Second Sunday of Advent were proclaimed by our Sisters – Cecily, Helen and Raewyn. Sandra Winton’s homily (you can enjoy it too) picked up the theme of God’s crafting each of our lives through both the rough and smooth times. She then linked our lives with elements of Israel’s journey as the people many centuries ago also faced hardship and yet joy, times of difficulty and also times of genuine flourishing.With beautiful Prayers of Intercession prayed by Maureen O’Hanlon OP, a short celebratory gift of song and With beautiful Prayers of Intercession prayed by Maureen O’Hanlon OP, a short celebratory gift of
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