Newsletter #30 | November 2013

DOMINICAN LAITY   Newsletter #30                                                 November 2013    Kia ora everyone November is the month where we especially remember all our Dominican Saints. We were trying to remember the actual date and found it was 7 November.  The internet sent us to the site of the Lay Dominicans in Ireland to get that information! So, this is a time to think of our links as a Dominican family and particularly those who have gone before us. In Auckland we have been saddened by the loss of two of our members who came often to our Dominican family gatherings. The first of these was Senia Auva’a, who had close links with St Benedict’s church for decades.  She was cook for the friars for all the time they were at St Ben’s and treated them as members of her family.  There were some wonderful gatherings at her home.  The second death was that of Katherine Gibson, known to many as Sr Helena Gibson op.  Katherine was originally from Canterbury and a former student of Teschemakers. In recent decades she has been in Auckland, where she served as Principal of St Dominic’s Blockhouse Bay and then moved into work as a hospital chaplain. Katherine was a very loyal Dominican, embracing fully the breadth of vision that the Order encourages.  Our sympathy goes, too, to Mary Eastham who recently lost her husband, Scott; and to you all who have recently lost family or friends. On the international front, our thoughts are with the Dominicans
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