Bringing #Jubilee800 to a close on 21 January 2017

As we edge towards the end of #Jubilee800 we look back with gratitude for the many celebrations we have had throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and we give thanks for the energy and commitment of many people around our blessed country.  We invite you to gather in small groups or to pray in your place as a thanksgiving for all that we have received and achieved between November 2015 and January 2017.

The Dominican Family Mission and Justice Group have prepared a short liturgy for the close of the Jubilee as part of the commitment we made to those who attended the National Gathering.  You may choose to use this for a small group gathering, for individual prayer or you may wish to recognise the close of #Jubilee800 in another way.   For those who choose to gather please do share photos and news of your gathering with us.