Lay Dominican Charter finalised and Lay Dominicans recognised

The Dominican Family in Aotearoa New Zealand  This Family consists of Sisters, Lay Dominicans and Friars.

Lay Dominicans  have developed a Charter of values and practice and are a recognised branch of the Family. The focus is a shared vision as a lay Dominican Group and supporting, encouraging and nourishing those attached to our group.

 In their letter this Sisters recognised that “This branch has been developed carefully over many years and the charter is the fruit of prayerful discernment. It captures the seriousness of the lay members of the order in this country, your commitment and your fidelity to the charism of our father Dominic. May we together as lay members, sisters and friars keep the torch of truth burning brightly in this land”
You can read the Charter here:
You can read the Letter of Recognition from the New Zealand Dominican Sisters here: