The Lay Dominican Family in Aotearoa New Zealand is an intentionally informal group. The focus for this group is a shared vision as a lay Dominican Group and supporting, encouraging and nourishing those attached to our group.
Lay community groups meet in various parts of Aotearoa New Zealand:
North Island
- In Auckland an “Faith at the Interface of Life” Group meets monthly. It is for those who are concerned to be true to things that came out of Vatican II, especially related to the document on the church in the modern world. Members of the group take turns to give input on and facilitate sharing on a number of topics that fit with the overall theme.
- A Lower North Island Group gather at Johnsonville in Wellington. They have been studying the Erik Bornman book “Dominican Spirituality”. They recommend this as a most useful, down to earth book.
South Island
- Monday morning group meets with Sr Mary Anna in Arrowtown to read and study the following Sunday’s Gospel. This group is at the heart of the Catholic Parish of Arrowtown. They prepare and lead liturgies and preach on alternate Sundays. They also visit the sick, support families etc.
- Scotland Street Community in Dunedin offers a warm, welcoming and spacious place for prayer, study and community living.
- A Dominican Family group has been meeting at Korimako Dominican Ecology Centre, Invercargill, once a month. For 2015 it is on the first Thursday of the month where possible. We follow the Dominican four pillars foundational value of community (beginning with a shred meal at 6pm), study, prayer and action.
- A young mothers group with their pre schoolers has been formed to meet here at Korimako, Invercargill on a Tuesday to pray, help in the garden and finish with a lunch. They call it NOURISHED BY NATURE and aim to nourish each other with ideas for healthy gardening and eating as well as deepening their spirituality.
New members are always welcome. To find out how to contact a group please email